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Sofía Domínguez
Written by Sofía Domínguez

How To Get True-To-Life Physics Properties

This article explains what our physics properties services are, why it is important, and how to use your materials with physics outside SEDDI Textura.

There are two key aspects to consider when digitizing a material. One is the visual aspect of the material, and the other is its physical or mechanical behavior. With SEDDI Textura you are able to generate both quickly and easily.

When you create your material, you can select if you want the texture maps, the physics properties, or both.

What do you need to get physics properties?

In order to get the physical parameters for your fabric, you will need to give SEDDI Textura these few parameters:

  • Structure name. To select the structure, you will see a dropdown list with the most common structures for woven and knit fabrics. Select the one that matches the construction of your material. Check out our guides on woven and knit structures to learn more.

  • Weight in g/m2: Weight is a very important parameter to determine how a material behaves. That is why inputting the weight of your material in g/m2 is a mandatory field to calculate the physic parameters. You can usually find the weight along with other technical information from your supplier.

  • Percentage of elastane. As you probably know, elastane is a material that augments a fabric's elasticity. It is an input to calculate physics parameters because a material that contains elastane, will behave differently than one that does not. This information should be available as part of the fiber composition of your material.

  • Thickness. This is an optional value. If you have it or can measure it, it will be used to estimate your material physics. If you don't, our research team has developed an algorithm that is able to estimate it from the size of the yarns found on your scan. A material's thickness will mainly affect how it bends.