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Richard Balet
Written by Richard Balet

Tiling Annotation Feature

The tiling correction feature allows quality assurance managers to highlight areas of an image that may need to be reworked.

What is the Tiling Annotation Feature?

This feature allows quality assurance managers within a company to highlight areas of an image that require editing. This will allow the tiler to quickly see why a digital fabric has been rejected from being approved. It will also help the quality manager remember where the image needed work.

When to Use the Tiling Annotations Feature

This feature is only available for users that have SEDDI Textura Workflow active within the Enterprise plan. The feature is active for all users that can access Workflow, but it will only allow Quality Managers and company admins to create/delete annotations. It will, however, allow all tilers and other roles to see/hide the annotations.

In any case, this tool is particularly interesting when:

  • Working with multiple sources or suppliers that upload scanned fabrics to your account.

  • Having a team of different tilers and quality managers.

  • Implementing a quality control protocol or SOP to guarantee the tiling quality of all materials.

Important Things to Know About Tiling Annotation

This tool will create an invisible freehand drawing on your material maps. This means that:

  • This feature is only available in Workflow, for materials that have already had maps generated.

  • Only Quality managers and company admins can create or delete annotations.

  • All users with access to Workflow can see/hide annotations.

  • Nothing that you do with this feature will affect the final aspect of the material. The maps will not be affected.

  • Each map can have independent annotations so defaults can be addressed individually.

  • When tiling changes are implemented and the size of the guidance map is edited, all annotations will be lost.

  • Annotations can be enriched with text annotations in the material log, for further clarifications.

  • All quality managers can do annotations in a material.

  • Annotations will be deleted when the issue has been fixed by the tiler.

How to Use the Annotations Feature

Within the SEDDI Textura platform, the user needs to access their SEDDI Textura Workflow area by clicking on the Workflow icon in the navigation menu on the left side of the screen .

When you access Workflow, go to the material review tab and select a material. Materials in "Waiting queue" will not have this feature as no maps to correct have been generated yet.

Then select the material you want to review. By default, annotations will be visible to all users. Therefore if there are any, they should be visible on the screen. However, it may be that annotations are hidden. Make sure that the left icon in the lower left area of the maps is active:

These four icons will allow you to:

  1. Hide/see the annotations if there are any.

  2. Change the color of the annotations to maximize contrast.

  3. Create freehand annotations.

  4. Erase annotations.

When clicking on the pencil icon SEDDI Textura will allow you to paint over the map that you are looking at. Notice that every map will display different annotations.

Once the annotations are made they will be visible for all users. Any tiler working on this material should be able to see them.

Once the material has been rejected, or after new maps have been generated, the user will still see the annotations. This way the quality manager can review the work.

The Ideal Workflow

Every company has different ways of working, but this is SEDDI's recommended process to ensure success:

  1. A user uploads a material into Workflow.

  2. The scan is approved and tiled, then sent to generate maps.

  3. When maps are ready, the material is stored in "Material Review" automatically.

  4. The Quality Manager reviews the material, identifies defects in the tiling, and generates annotations. They also log comments in the material log.

  5. The Quality Manager rejects the material.

  6. The Tiler reworks the material and generates more maps.

  7. The Quality Manager reviews the work along with the previous annotations, then deletes the annotations and approves the digital material.

  8. The material is approved!
