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Richard Balet
Written by Richard Balet

User Permissions For Free and Standard Plans

This article explains the permissions that can be given to SEDDI Textura users, allowing or restricting their actions in different features.

SEDDI Textura offers different subscription plans that have been designed based upon varying needs and use cases for the platform. View each plan's offering here. All SEDDI Textura subscription plans include the ability to invite other people to join a team. User permissions allow companies to manage the permissions of each of their team members based on the tasks they need to complete in the platform.

This article explains what each user permission allows when the account is under a Free or Standard plan. To learn more about user permissions in Enterprise plan, check out this article.

Before you continue reading, here a few things to know:

  • By default, the user that creates the account is considered "Company Admin".

  • The company admin can assign a role to each user from the Settings page.

  • Every organization has at least one company admin but there can be as many as needed.

  • Some user permissions are specific to each subscription plan.

  • When a company plan is downgraded, some roles may be automatically downgraded too. Company Admins are maintained regardless of the plan.

How To Manage Permissions

To manage Company users and their permissions:

  1. Go to the Settings page.

  2. Click on Company Users to find the list of users in your organization. Here is where you can invite other people to join your SEDDI Textura account.

  3. Choose the permissions you want to give to each user in your organization. The dropdown will show the permissions available according to the subscription plan or account details.

User Permissions in Free and Standard Plans

The Free plan is the default plan for every account that is not paying a monthly or annual subscription. Free and Standard accounts allow users to invite other team members. There is no limit to the number of users per account.

Company Admin Permissions:

The first user within an organization is by default the company admin. This role is designed to have complete access to their SEDDI Textura account, managing users, materials and payments.

Important considerations for the Company Admin role:

  • Each organization has to have at least one Company Admin.

  • There can be as many Company Admins as needed per organization.

  • Company Admins have no feature limitations within their organization's platform.

Company Admins can:

  • Invite new users to an organization.

  • Assign permissions to other users in the same organization.

  • Edit and delete any material in an organization.

  • Perform payments and manage their subscription plans.

User Permissions:

The User permission level is the most common permission type for team members in an organization. It gives the user the ability to create and edit materials, but restricts their ability to modify materials that have been created by other users.

Here is a list of what "Users" are permitted to do:

  • Create materials with maps and/or physics properties to add them to the library.

  • Filter, search, manage, and organize materials in collections.

  • Visualize, copy, and download materials in an organization.

  • Users can only edit or delete materials that they have created.

  • Users can edit materials created by others and save them as new materials to avoid overwriting existing materials.

Quality Manager Permissions:

Permissions for the "Quality Manager" role are only available for accounts with a Free or Standard plan that has been linked to an Enterprise account. Enterprise accounts can be linked to other accounts as "Vendors" or mills. The relationship between accounts allows vendors to scan physical fabrics and upload the scanned image to their SEDDI Textura partner's account. The Enterprise account plan can receive scanned materials from all of their mills, and manage the final quality through SEDDI Textura Workflow.

Quality Managers can:

  • Use SEDDI Textura with the same permissions of a "User".

  • Upload scanner images to other SEDDI Textura accounts with an Enterprise plan.
