Create a Digital Fabric From SEDDI Samples
Don't have a scanned image for your textile yet? Don't worry, you can get started with a swatch from SEDDI.
Why Should I Use a Sample Fabric?
It's recommend to start your digital library with a scanned image of your own fabric, as having the physical fabric at hand to compare it to its digital twin will really help you see what SEDDI Textura is capable of.
But, if you haven't had the opportunity to scan a fabric yet, SEDDI has a number of samples for you to choose from.
SEDDI Textura is designed specifically to create tiled textiles and materials—not graphics. Please avoid uploading images like logos, stock images of fabrics, pictures of garments, or even pictures of fabrics captured with a phone camera. Instead, check out all the samples available in the platform, and make use of all the materials the SEDDI team has already scanned.
Most of the samples have also been tiled already, so the process to create them will take you less than a minute. You will also see a selection that are not tiled in Tiling Practice. We recommend selecting these materials when you want to try practice using SEDDI Textura's tiling tools. Find all of our tiling tool tutorial videos to learn more about tiling.
How To Create a Digital Fabric From a Sample
1 . To create a new material you simply have to click on the "+ New Material" button at the top of the library.
2.Click the second option on the dropdown - Create material from sample
3 . Select a sample. Browse through the sample selection. They are organized by industry based on common uses for such fabrics, but you can select any material.
4 . Create a digital material. Once you have selected the sample, you are ready to create it. As mentioned previously, most of the samples are already tiled so you only have to click on Create material.
5 . Done! The fabric will be added to your library. It will appear as "Processing" for a few minutes. When the process is complete, the fabric will become available to view and download. You will get an email notification when the process is complete.
Upload a Scanned Image
As mentioned previously, SEDDI's recommendation is to have a high quality scan of your textile to create a digital twin. Here is an article and video that will guide you through the scanning process. After scanning your material, the process to create it is simple. Just select the option "Create material from scanned image" on the dropdown menu to add a new material.