How User Permissions Affect the Material Creation Process
Understand how user permissions affect the process to create materials when your account has access to SEDDI Textura Workflow.
With SEDDI Textura Workflow, organizations can manage generating and approving digital materials. User permissions in the Enterprise plan allow or restrict team member access to Workflow. This will help company admins or quality managers ensure the quality of digital textiles, by officially approving the materials for their organization.
Permissions will also affect the process the material goes through to be included in an organization's library. This article explains the process of creating a material based on your user's permission. It also covers the permissions each user will have through the process of validating and approving a new material in Workflow.
In this article, we will focus on three different Permission scenarios:
A USER creates a material
A TILER submits a material
A USER Creates a Material
The "USER" permission is designed to be given to users whose main role is not to scan and generate materials, but to use and download the "Approved Materials" generated by the QA team. A standard user can create materials. The process and conditions to do so are the following:
The material can be created with maps and/or physics.
Clicking the “Create Material” button begins the map and/or physics generation process.
The material will automatically appear in the organization’s library as “processing”.
When the process is finished (minutes after submitting) , the material will become available in the library to be viewed by anyone.
Inside Workflow, the material automatically appears under the status “Approved”. Members with access to Workflow can see which user created the material.
NOTE: The material will not become a part of the “Approved Materials” collection
A TILER Submits a Material
Normally, the team member with “Tiler” permissions is in charge of scanning the material and tiling it in SEDDI Textura to get approval from managers.
Note: While the material is being worked on and approved in Workflow, it appears as “being generated” in the library. The time it takes to change status depends on the time it takes for the team to approve it in Workflow. It does not represent the time it takes to generate the maps and/or physics for the material.
The tiler scans and uploads an image. The material can be requested with maps and/or physics.
Clicking the “Create Material” button submits the material to the Workflow. The process of generating the material does not start until it is requested in the Workflow.
The material goes to the “Waiting Queue” in Workflow.
Tiler reviews uploaded scan and can decide to:
Start working on it
Generate maps
While working on it, the tiler has access to:
All the tiling tools
Make/read notes in the history record
Implement changes to save guidance image
Generate maps
Download/upload guidance images
Download/upload Texture stacks
Change material status
See annotations drawn by quality managers or company admins
If approved with a tiled version of the material, the tiler needs to “Generate Maps”, which will move the material to the “Processing” tab.
If the tiler is not happy with the material they can reject it.
When the process is complete, the material will appear under “Material review” to be reviewed by a QA Manager or Company Admin.
QA Manager or Company Admin needs to review and define the next step (approved, rejected or waiting queue).
Normally, company admin or quality managers are not in charge of scanning and uploading the scans. They are responsible for reviewing scanned submissions (mainly for external suppliers) and tiled versions of materials worked by tilers.
When a company admin or quality manager creates a material from a scanner image, the material will automatically go to the “Waiting queue” in Workflow.
Note: If you are a Company Admin or Quality Manager and you are submitting and tiling the materials yourself, then the process is the same as the TILER but with the difference that you will have the permission to approve your materials.
A Company Admin or Quality Manager can approve different assets through Workflow.
Here is the process to understand each scenario.
To Approve Scan Submissions:
Go to ‘Waiting Queue’ to review images.
Define next steps:
Request a scan resubmission. Requesting a re-submit will send an email to the person that uploaded the image.
Change status for tiling (team needs to define how to identify this step- we recommend that the tiler is responsible for approving the scans and moving them to the tab “Working on it”).
To Approve Tiling Versions:
Go to “Material review” to validate materials under that status:
While reviewing materials, managers have access to:
View each map individually.
View the material in 2D or 3D.
Make/read notes in the history record.
Download/upload guidance images.
Download/ upload texture stacks.
Make annotations to show the tiler where they are detecting an error.
After reviewing, the Company Admin or Quality Manager decides the next status. The material will be moved to the status tab accordingly.
Approved: Makes the material available for everyone in the organization. The material automatically appears in the "Approved Materials” collection.
Rejected: The material will be marked as rejected in the library and moved to that tab.
Waiting queue: The material can be sent back to the waiting queue to be worked on again.