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Inbar Shahak
Written by Inbar Shahak

Linking Colorways in SEDDI Textura

How to link different colorways of fabrics in SEDDI Textura.

Organizing Colorways in SEDDI Textura

Would you prefer to watch rather than read? Check out the tutorial on our YouTube channel here.

In the Material Library, hover over the three dots on the fabric thumbnail, and you will be able to see an option to "Link colorway".

A window will open asking you to "Select colorway".

Click on digital fabric that you wish to link as a colorway.

A pop-up window will appear giving you the option to "Link more" or to confirm the new linked colorway with "Ok, Understood".

Once you have chosen all of the fabric colorways that fit your selection, press "Ok, Understood".

All of those fabric colorways are now linked in the platform.

If you select the original fabric that you have linked all of the other colorways to, you will be able to see the colorway options in the meta data info menu.

When you click the colorway dropdown, you will be able to open each one of the colorways, or to remove it if necessary.

Would you prefer to watch rather than read? Check out the tutorial on our YouTube channel here.
