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Inbar Shahak
Written by Inbar Shahak

Color Correction

Learn about SEDDI Textura's re-coloring tool.

The SEDDI Textura Re-coloring Tool

SEDDI Textura samples colors from fabric scans. Each single-color fabric sample will contain different shades of a color, as colors have a variety of tones due to material properties and/or dye concentration and application.

The SEDDI Textura color editor compiles all colors and shades present in a fabric into a simplified list.

The sensitivity of tone detection can be adjusted using the "Add color or remove color" feature.

Even a fabric that appears to be comprised of a single solid color will still contain different shades of that color. It's essential for different tones and hues of a color to be included in a digital fabric, for it to be properly represented visually.

To get started, choose the "Edit this texture" functionality, and switch to color mode. You will see a list of colors detected in the fabric.

Increasing or decreasing the number of tones detected does not change the fabric's color, it simply refines the precision of the color editing. Therefore, if you choose to remove colors and change only a single color, the remaining tones and shades of the fabric will still be altered relative to the RGB values that we used to alter the main color.

SEDDI Textura will detect the hues that the fabric contains and will alter them according to the changes that have been made to the RGB for the main shade color.

Re-coloring a Fabric in SEDDI Textura's Editor

SEDDI Textura's re-coloring tool tries to find the optimal number of colors for editing, for the given fabric. Each of these colors represents a cluster or group of pixels with RGB values that are perceptually close to the RGB value shown in SEDDI Textura.

When one of these clusters is edited, SEDDI Textura will move all of the pixels included in that cluster toward the new RGB value.

In this way, if SEDDI Textura finds two clusters and moves both of them towards the same RGB value, it won't end up with a completely solid color, but with a natural-looking image.

SEDDI Textura's color correction will not turn every pixel into that new color, but rather move the cluster as a whole so that on average, it resembles the new RGB value.

It's important to note that in every "Edit Texture" process during the re-color stage, even if the image was already re-colored, the process starts again with no explicit link between the clusters detected each time.

For example, SEDDI Textura will take a multi-colored fabric with five different colors or clusters and assign the same RGB value to all of them. The re-colored version will look quite uniform, but won't be a solid color. We should still be able to discern yarns and so on. If we try to re-color again, the algorithm will show just one or two clusters that are very close to the new RGB value assigned in the previous operation, but it won't necessarily be an exact match.

Changing the RGB Values

The same RGB values produce different hues depending on the color space and the way the colors are perceived. The hue of a color refers to its position on the color wheel, and it's influenced by factors such as the chromatic adaptation of the human visual system and the color model being used.

For instance in the RGB color space, if you have a set of RGB values the perceived hue can vary if you convert those values to another color space like HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) or HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). These color spaces represent colors in different ways, and can result in different perceived hues for the same RGB values.

Additionally, factors like lighting conditions, surrounding colors, and individual differences in color perception can also influence how a color is perceived, leading to variations in hue even when the RGB values remain constant.

When going from Pantone code to RGB values in the SEDDI Textura Material Editor, RGB numbers don’t control the hue separately.

The goal should be to change the color without losing the tonality of the fabric.

For example, if the RGB value of a fabric is 234,238,234 the Hue values for those numbers are 116, 1%,93%.

The Hue values could be tested either in Photoshop or SEDDI Textura as they both contain HSV values.

Changing Hue Values

In SEDDI Textura, you can check and change the values according to the hue.
Click on the eyedropper next to the RGB values and it will open an HSL values option.

Changing the fabric color by the hue values will be more accurate.

This will result in more control over the change in SEDDI Textura's color correction system.

Please note that after processing the new fabric, one would be still able to add and remove colors, as the fabric contains natural tonality in the shades of the threads that SEDDI Textura will detect and maintain their changes according to the primary color that we have changed.
