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Kenji Takabayashi
Written by Kenji Takabayashi

Clone Tool

Use the Clone Tool to clean, remove wrinkles, labels, and to create seamless transitions between images.

The Clone Tool helps you when you need to visually modify an image you are working on in SEDDI Textura. It works just like clone tools on other platforms—by copying an area of the image and pasting it in another part, to hide an undesired element or imperfection.

NOTE: If you'd rather watch a video tutorial, check out this video.

The Clone Tool:

  • Removes dust and lint

  • Removes scratches and hairs in the sample

  • Removes labels or staples

  • Removes stains

  • Removes other artefacts in the image

Combine it with the Offset Tool to create a seamless transition between repeats.

For this example, we are going to use it to create a seamless transition for an image that has previously been cropped, aligned, and used in the Offset Tool.

As a result of using the Offset Tool, see how the partition is now in the center of the image. We will use the clone tool to hide it.

First, select the Clone Tool icon

Once you do, you will see two sliders appear in the Clone Tool setting bar.

How To Select the Brush Size

When selecting the brush size, select the smallest size possible, so that changes are minor. You do however, need to consider strokes, as it's ideal to edit as few strokes as possible. The size needs to be big enough to cover the desired area, with the least amount of strokes.

You may also want to select a size that is aligned with the yarn size in the image, to copy the width of the yarn size. In this case, we will move forward by covering two yarns, as the partition is between two of them.

How To Select the Hardness

The hardness of the brush size is going to determine how each stroke blends into the background. However, it also impacts the number of pixels in the stroke that are copied with full opacity. 30% is a good starting point. For more localized cloning, select a harder brush. For this case, a soft brush will help cover two yarns, and still have 30% hardness.

Select the Right Clone Area

For this example, the selection is a 70-pixel brush and a 30% hardness brush. Next, select the area, then press ALT key (On a MAC, select the Option key) and click on an area next to the partition line where there is a complete yarn. Starting at the top and dragging down to the bottom.

Once the vertical line is done, you can implement changes before addressing the horizontal line. This will ensure you don't have to redo them in case of an error. In some cases, you may want to do a zig-zag drag to avoid the stroke from being too obvious, like was done in the example on the horizontal axis.
